Site Plan

A Site Plan is a detailed plan, required only in certain zones, that shows proposed development on a site in relation to immediately adjacent areas. It indicates roads, walks, parking areas, buildings, landscaping, open space, recreation facilities, lighting, etc. Site Plan review is required of all floating zones and of most overlay zones. It is also required in some zones when using optional method of development provisions. Further, certain parking facilities that fall under the provision of the off-street parking section of the Zoning Ordinance are also subject to Site Plan review.

Forest Conservation:

Before submitting a Site Plan, a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) or Forest Conservation Plan Exemption (FCPE) must be approved. In cases where an Forest Conservation Plan Exemption has not been confirmed, a Forest Conservation Plan must be submitted concurrently with the Site Plan.

Development Review Committee (DRC):

Site Plans go to DRC.

Decision Type:

Site Plans are reviewed by staff and submitted for action (approval or disapproval) by the Montgomery County Planning Board. The Planning Board approves the site plan after preliminary subdivision plan approval and before building permits can be issued.


Site Plan fees vary by project specifications. Consult page 3 of our fee schedule to determine fee.

Review Time:

Planning Board Hearing must take place within 120 days of intake acceptance.


Site Plans may be amended. Before submitting an application, applicants must meet with planning staff and receive an amendment checklist that outlines the required submission items.

Application Instructions

Complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out an online application. Enter basic plan information, such as applicant name and property address, found on the traditional application form.
  2. ePlans: After applying, log into ePlans and upload documents and drawings. ePlans will generate emails to applicants prompting when to pay fees, what revisions are requested, when Development Review Committee and Planning Board dates are scheduled, when to upload or download documents, etc.

Essential Documents

Supporting Documents

Related Forms

Guides and Tools