11+ Printable Business Credit Application Forms

If you are starting a business, you often start small and out of your own pocket. You will often find that you will need to apply for a line of credit to get your business off the ground. Perhaps you are a lender for such fledgling businesses. Whichever side of the table you are on, you will need a good Application Form for the situation.

These free business credit application forms will help you collect and organize the appropriate information so both the lender and borrower can stay on the same page and make informed decisions. Download them now as free Word and PDF documents you can modify and print for official use.

Consumer Credit Application Form Template

consumer credit application template

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Application of Consumer Credit Template

application of consumer credit template

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Bank Loan Application Checklist Form Template

bank loan application checklist form template

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Blank Business Credit Application Form

blank business credit application form


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Free Business Customer Credit Application Form

business customer credit application form


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Business Lease Credit Application Form

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Free Business Credit Account Application Form

business credit account application form


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Why Do I Need a Credit Application Form?

Having all this in place will also help the lender’s case if and when a debt has to be collected.

For your other credit needs, we have also provided forms that double as a Credit Card Authorization Form. These authorization forms will allow a lender or lending institution to check the card holder’s credit line when the card holder is applying for credit for business purposes.

As a borrower, not keeping track of your credit line will come back to bite you when you make a payment using a credit card. The authorizing bank will be keeping their own records of your credit line, and you need to make sure you are always keep your record in the open to keep yourself accountable and on track.

General Business Credit Application Form

general business credit application form


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Business Credit Application Form with Personal Guarantee

business credit application form with personal guarantee


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Free Small Business Credit Application Form

free small business credit application form


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Free Basic Business Credit Application Form

basic business credit application form


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Business Credit Application and Credit Card Authorization Form

business credit application and credit card authorization form


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How Do I Use These Application Forms?

Use these documents as samples or use them as templates. You can download all of them now for free with a click of a button. The Word or PDF files will come zipped in a compressed file, so make sure you have a program that can open zip files.

These will mostly be samples for general, small business credit applications and credit authorizations, since this is the most useful format and the most commonly needed. Lenders and borrowers can both make use of these forms and tailor them to their needs.

If lending business credit is not your routine and you are looking for something a little more legally binding, you might want to check out some free templates for a Promissory Note Form as well.