The Youth Criminal Justice Act: New Directions and Implementation Issues

Barnhorst, Richard. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Toronto Том 46, Изд. 3, (Apr 2004): 231-250.

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This article explains some of the Youth Criminal Justice Act's key provisions and policy directions. It also identifies implementation issues that can significantly influence how the youth justice system operates under the YCJA. Major objectives of the act include reducing the use of the youth court and reducing the use of incarceration.

The YCJA emphasizes restraint, accountability, proportionality, and greater structuring of the discretion of decision makers. It contains provisions to encourage the use of extrajudicial measures, including a presumption that non-violent first offenders should be dealt with through extrajudicial measures. Conferences are recognized as a potentially useful means of improving decision making. Pre-trial detention is prohibited for child welfare purposes and presumed to be unnecessary if the youth could not be sentenced to custody. The sentencing principles set out a new approach to sentencing. Sentences must be proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and, within the limits of proportionality, must promote rehabilitation. The sentencing provisions also place specific restrictions on the use of custody.

Implementation issues include appropriate use of available funding, the risk of net-widening, the adequacy of provincial policies and guidelines for police and prosecutors, conditions of release, and the interpretation of provisions related to proportionality, rehabilitation, and restrictions on custody.

Dans cet article, l'auteur explique certaines dispositions et orientations politiques cles de la Loi sur le systeme de justice penale pour les adolescents. Il definit en outre certains enjeux de mise en oeuvre de la nouvelle loi qui risquent d'exercer une influence sensible sur le fonctionnement du systeme de justice pour les adolescents. Or, parmi les objectifs principaux de la Loi figure la diminution du recours aux tribunaux pour adolescents et a l'incarceration.

Par ailleurs, la loi met l'accent sur la moderation, la responsabilite et la proportionnalite, ainsi que sur un meilleur encadrement du pouvoir discretionnaire des decideurs. Ainsi, elle comporte des dispositions destinees a favoriser l'application de mesures extrajudiciaires, dont il est presume qu'elles suffisent, entre autres, dans le cas des auteurs d'une premiere infraction sans violence, et elle reconnait le groupe de consultation en tant que moyen pouvant rehausser la qualite des prises de decision. Elle interdit en outre, aux fins de protection de l'enfance, la detention avant proces, laquelle est presumee etre inutile si le tribunal n'a.